Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blue Sage Dr

We did it. Monday we put an offer on a house in Kyle and it's been accepted! It's a one story, 4 bedroom home in the Meadow Woods subdivision. If anyone's available at the begining of July to help move...


koenigkc said...

b-e-a-utiful! This place screams BBQ!!!! :) Can't wait to see it!

parenting noobs said...

OMG! That's awesome. Congrats! I LOVE the back deck. It's beautiful! I look forward to seeing it, soon! :)

Do you need to borrow some boxes?! We'll need em back, of course (for our next move when our lease is up).

EssentialEm said...

YYYAAAHHHHOOOOO!!!! What a GREAT party house!!!!!

Sarita said...

It's been a while since we've had a Shumate Party. I'm sure we'll be having something to break in the new place.

Sarita said...

And El, yes, we'd love to borrow boxes! It's crazy how much junk we've got :P

Sarah said...

The house looks awsome! I love the back porch!!

pittypatpages.blogspot.com said...

Wow, it's gorgeous! Good time for another house warming party! Porch and bbq stuff, huh? ha ha! Congratulations, you two!
-- Aunt Pat

Anonymous said...

OMG SARAH!!! I'm absolutely blown away! When did this happen? I feel like I've been living in cave :)
That's so great! We HAVE to get together to celebrate!!! Do you need any help packing?


Anonymous said...

I love it! Congrats!