Friday, September 26, 2008

Update on me

Oh yeah... that's right... it's now been a month since I blogged... hmmm, guess you're wondering what I've been up to. Let's see...

I'm still working on the house, which is a never ending project for any home owner. I painted the guest room and got it all set up - as in the bed is made and there are things hanging on the walls and books are on the shelf. I'll try to get pics up of that. We have window blinds and curtains on a few windows. I have extricated all teal from the living room, soooo much better.

I’ve gotten to show off my home a lot lately too. We had a two-year old birthday party (cutie-pie Korbin) and a couple of baby showers (Krista and Tammy). LOTS of fun, food and kids. All were great and everything survived, haha. I have to say, the kids did less to my house than drunken adults have done to it in past parties… what does that say??

Also, as of this month, Jason and I have our own Connection Group (a small group from our church) in our home every week. It’s really part of the group we’ve been in for the past 3 years that has been growing like crazy and got to the point it needed to split. So about half the group meets every Wed night at our place and it’s been great so far. We’ve met such fabulous people through our group, made such wonder friends, we’re so blessed. We’ve been here for 5 years now and Kyle has gradually felt more and more like our hometown. The friends were have surrounding us now have made that feeling more real.

And I must say, I think my husband is pretty good at leading the discussion – it’s probably those great teaching stills he has J

So now I’m off to visit my sister for the weekend and go to the State Fair of Texas. I’ve lived in TX my whole life and never been – apparently the food is the best part.

"Do the kinds of things that come from the heart. When you do, you won't be dissatisfied, you won't be envious, you won't be longing for somebody else's things. On the contrary, you'll be overwhelmed with what comes back." - Morrie Schwartz