Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Weirdness...
The Continuing Crisis...Police in Fort Myers, Fla., were called to Royal Palm Exceptional School in April and wound up arresting an 8-year-old boy named Deshawn for punching his female teacher in the face, leaving several bruises. Said Deshawn's grandmother, Dorothy Williams, when interviewed by WBBH-TV: "He gets very upset, and he loves to hit," but "If he was overpowering her that much, I feel like she shouldn't be in that line of work."
America In Decline...One of the Internet's successful Web sites (10 million page views a month, with $500,000 in ads from companies including Verizon, McDonald's and General Motors) is a site that merely reports on what celebrities' babies are wearing, in that so many mothers are apparently obsessed with mimicking those clothing choices for their own tots. A May Wall Street Journal feature said sometimes the site's posting a photo of a celebrity baby incites a nationwide run on what it's wearing.
First Things First...A supervisor at the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services told a Billings Gazette reporter in March that some of his employees were complaining that new computers delivered to the office lacked games like solitaire, hearts and Minesweeper, and that it wasn't fair that employees with older computers still had the games.
"Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." - Elbert Hubbard
HB to AE
It was the birthday of one of the nicest, most fun women I know yesterday. She was a second mom to me growing up and one of my best friends now. Some say she might have spoiled me and my sister a bit, but I don't think she would agree ;) I love you Aunt Eileen!!
Here we are at the Texas Ren Fest - we always have a great time together, what ever we're doing.

Monday, June 16, 2008
The best parents in the world...
"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness."- Honore' de Balzac
Friday, June 13, 2008
Got to move it

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Pain in the Butt
Last night Jason and I had a fun adventure rushing out to a 24 hour emergency vet clinic. We were in the backyard last night, playing Frisbee with our dogs - well, with Ginny anyways, Allie doesn't quite get it. Ginny won't quit when it comes to Frisbee, you can run her for hours and completely wear her down and she'll get up for more. She won't stop long enough to really do anything, like drink water if she's thirsty or lay down for a minute if she's tired. When I decided she had enough we went in the house and she followed me around the kitchen. I looked down from cleaning the counter to notice everywhere my poor little dog sat she left a red mark on the floor. Red, wet, smudges all over the kitchen. It took me a second to realize exactly what was going on, but I'm hoping you are following where this story is leading.
Jason and I had the same thought 'This is bad. What did she eat? Something has got to be ripping her up from the inside out.' We loaded her in the car (with lots of towels) and set off to Austin at 9 at night to the closest 24 hour vet we could find on the internet. Unfortunately, as anyone who drives 35 in Kyle right now knows, construction crews had the highway north bound shut down. We got creative, drove out into the country a bit and finally got to the vet much later than necessary.
And how was Ginny during this adventure you ask? She was fine. Other than she hates riding in the car, especially without Allie, she was acting completely normal. Once we got to the vet that changed a bit. I think she would have been mostly ok but a dog in another room started squealing in pain for a couple minutes.
Ginny's Pain-in-the-Butt tale gets rather anticlimactic from here. The vet came in and examined her rump and said everything from the inside looked fine. It was the outside that seemed to be scratched up and swollen... and still bleeding a little. After thinking through her activities that evening, we decided that she probably landed her rear on a rock or something when coming down from catching the Frisbee - the girl can get some air when she goes for that thing. We got some meds to help with the swelling and were on our way home.
The Frisbee is sidelined for a few days, until Ginny's butt heals. I'm guess I'm going to have to throw it closer to the ground from now on - she loves it way too much to give it up. Thank God it wasn't worse. That dog is going to cost me some serious vet bills one day, it's only a matter of time. It's a good thing I love her.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Big Sigh of Relief
Our house has been showing like crazy. It officially appeared on the market Tues morning last week and we had at least one showing a day, sometimes two. Then on Sat our realtor had an open house. There wasn't very much traffic, but those that came by were serious buyers and were all very interested. At the end of that day we had one offer with the promise of three more the next day! We met with her Sunday evening and she showed us the 3 offers she had received on our home! Two were acceptable but not great, the third was our asking price with no extra demands. Of course that's the one we chose and accepted. As long as all goes well with inspections and financing for the buyers, the closing is scheduled for July 14 - over 2 weeks after the close on our new home.
All the waiting to finally do this was worth it, God certainly knows what He's doing. Things are working out amazingly well. Thank you everyone for your prayers, we couldn't have done so well without them.
"guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25:5
Friday, June 6, 2008
Baby Boy Ruff
Congrats you two and I can't wait to meet him :)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A very, very unbirthday to me
The big 28. yahoo. It feels the farthest thing from my birthday, and I don't really care. Is that a sign of getting old? My big plans for tonight are cleaning the house and working on the yard... again. That's what our days consist of at the moment, because...
Jason and I put our house on the market this week. The signs went up in the yard on Monday and I saw our MLS listing for the first time last night. AND we've already had one couple come see the home. Monday evening a guy came and knocked on the door and asked a couple questions. Then he and his wife and their realtor came last night to take a look. Not bad for the second day huh? I'm not holding my breath on this being it, but I take it as a decent sign. Besides the for sale sign, our realtor stuck a little sign that says 'I'm Gorgeous Inside!' I think it's hilarious. Jason's probably getting sick of me walking around the house saying 'Look, we're gorgeous!' haha.
The best thing so far of keeping the house clean is I can avoid cooking :) Your home has to be in 'model home' order at all times. As we found out last night, people will call you at the craziest times to see your home. I was putting food together for church group and had grocery bags spread all over the counter when I got a call asking if they could see the house at 6:30 - it was 6:10! I did a mad dash around throwing the food in the bags and wiping down counter tops. I consider myself a clean person (mostly) but keeping things this clean is going to get old fast.
"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." - John Barrymore