Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The First One

Here it is. The 1st blog. And what's the first blog always about... um, well this one's about the blogger. If you've found this site then you probably already know me, so we'll skip some of the basics.

Other things, hmm...

I love magnolia flowers, spring in the Texas hillcountry, black ink pens, scrapbook paper, singing with the band at my church, my neurotic black cat, books (all of them), pepperoni and pineapple pizza, cold coca-cola in a can, the thesaurus on the computer, old church buildings, when my husband kisses my forehead, and coming home from a fun vacation.

I do not like scrubbing the bathtub, Austin traffic, spelling, macaroni and cheese, when people use the phrases 'the ball's in your court' or 'works like a champ' in a business meeting, and feeling unappreciated.

Things that scare me: scorpions, driving between an 18 wheeler and the cement barrier on the highway, going blind, and the depth of the ocean.

It's almost the end of March: the year is almost a quarter over, quarter end is coming up a work and I will probably be working long hours, I'm only a couple months away from being 28 and from my 10 year high school reunion - yikes

Well, that may or may not tell you a little more about me.

"The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes." - Sir Winston Churchill

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