Thursday, October 9, 2008

Welcome to the world, Lucy!

Please send up big prayers for Lucy and her parents, our good friends Tammy and Jake. Earlier this week, Tammy's had some problems with pre-eclampsia. Not good. The only way to fix it is giving birth, so the baby's entrance to the world was moved up a few days. Lucy Jane was born at 6:20 pm on Oct 8th. She's 18inch long and 6.1 lbs. And she has so many people that love her already!

A few weeks ago in an ultrasound they found Lucy has enlarged ventricles in her brain that may be Hydrocephalus. Now that she's born they will be doing tests to determine if she needs brian surgery to relieve the fluid, and she will be having this surgery in the next couple days. I know with a whole lot of prayer and faith that she -and Mommy - are going to come out of this fine and do great and wonderful things in this world.

Congrats Tammy and Jake! I can't wait to meet your little blessing!


EssentialEm said...

YAHOO for her being here!! And many prayers for her in the coming days!!

koenigkc said...


as a person who suffers from HBP, this is my greatest fear with pregnancy.

Good luck to your friends and I pray everything will go well with their baby girl!