So I didn't really
do anything around the house this weekend like I had planned. But I did cheer on my country's men and women a-plenty. I'm all wrapped up in the Olympics again this year - starting from the opening ceremonies... well... 30 minutes in to them when I remembered they had started already :) It was awesome, what a beautiful show. Jason and I even hit rewind a couple of times and rewatched some of the best parts. And I Love the Bird's Nest -so unique.
My favs of the summer Olympics are probably gymnastics, swimming, diving and my recent addition is beach volleyball. I also like to watch weightlifting, rowing, basketball, softball, and tennis... and if I'm really honest with myself I like synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics(even if I think they're kinda cheesy). You may notice, soccer is
not one of these, I'm sorry, I don't like soccer, I can't get into it, it's boring. Sorry, babe.
This time difference thing has got me going crazy. Everything is happening in the middle of the night- because, you know, China is on the other side of the world and what-not. I fell asleep during the men's swimming relay last night and missed the big finish
argh. It's a good thing they've disabled videos on my work computer or I'm pretty sure I've have watched every one of them on
NBC's website today.
I'm seeing my evenings this week taken up by more TV watching. We've got
6 different channels showing difference sports at different times. This is not good for my home improvement schedule. Hope everyone out there is tuning in and rooting for our peoples. :) Go USA!!