We did Thanksgiving at our house again... I think it's like the 5th year or so. We started having T-day at our home when we bought the last house (hm, that means this is probably the 6th). And it went fabulously at the new place.

My parents, my sister, Jason's mom and aunt, and his grandparents all came. We watched our traditional TV shows, the dog show and football. Then that afternoon Emily and Mom helped me decorate the Christmas tree. I didn't get to go to any Black Friday sales this year due to having to work, but Jason made it.
On Friday evening, Emily, Eileen, Jason and I went out to Austin's Long Center to see Cirque Dreams: A Jungle Fantasy. If you've ever seen a Cirque de Soile show this is Broadway's version. It was awesome and we had great seats in the 4th row, actually almost too close. These people are amazing what they can do. My favorite parts were the contortionists and the aerialists. Also these guys who balanced together on a board atop a cylinder... atop 4 other cylinders going opposite ways. One girl swung around by her hair... don't know about that one, ouch.
I'm still catching up... so expect to see some more back dated blogs :)
"It has been my observation that people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln